I haven't updated until today because I am a little obsessed with Twitter. It is super fun! It's all current and in the moment and who doesn't love that? Plus, I'm following many of my favorite celebrity friends and it kind of feels like we're best friends. The only downside is that Twitter sort of ASKS for an oversharing of information, and, as you can tell by my website, I like to over share. Here is a link if you can't get enough of me:
So, last Wednesday, my favorite author ever was in Birmingham. Since none of my friends wanted to spend Cinco de Mayo at a book discussion, my mom offered to go with me. Plus, she really likes the author, too. On the way to Birmingham, I'm mentally preparing for what I'm going to say when I meet J. Lancaster. For some reason, I get all kinds of fan-girl crazy whenever I meet someone even remotely famous, and the small voice of reason (the one that tells me not to say everything running through my head) quickly diminishes. It is really embarassing. For example, when I met Carrie Underwood in 2008, I blurted out that if I lived in Nashville, we'd totally be best friends and that I loved her jeans. She looked at me like I was an effing psycho, and I sort of see where she'd be weirded out.
Anyway, when we were in line, I had my game face on, and I was almost ready to talk to her. I had two different monologues I could have delivered to her, and at this point I still wasn't positive as to which direction this would take. All of a sudden, we were next in line, and I go up to her, books in hand, and I literally forget my name. I stand there like a total idiot, while my mom, all calm, cool and collected, talks to her like they are BFFs...
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