Wednesday, May 26, 2010

(Not So) Tiny Dancer

So this past weekend, I attended the 20th anniversary recital which I believe I have previously referenced. It was so much fun. I love being in the spotlight and I also love getting my hair and make-up did. At our studio, I had 3 BFFs: Sara, Christina, and Maegan. We were the original "Mean Girls" and guess what? nothing's changed!

 So, anyway, here are a few pics from this

Friday, May 21, 2010

Dance Recital

When I was in school, I took dance for ten years. I absolutely loved it and miss all of my old dance friends. This weekend is River City Performing Arts' 20th anniversary and has invited back alumni to dance in their recital. I am so excited. I just hope I don't make a total ass out of myself. There won't be alcohol there so surely I should be okay. It's only people who competed, and most of them got dance scholarships and still dance, but the only time I dance is when it is alcohol-induced or when I'm in my car, so I'd say I'm at a slight disadvantage.

I was put in the back row a lot and my mom assured me this was only because I was taller than the other girls. However, considering I was overweight and fell down a lot, I have a feeling she might have been stretching the truth. I started competing in the 5th grade and here are a few pictures of some of the dances through the years..

I am the one in the PINK tights, the 4th from the right.. Apparently I didn't get the memo that we had to wear tan tights. This was at my last dance recital and talked all the girls into messing up their costumes as a joke to freak out our instructors.

This picture was from our Christmas party, my junior year. The ensemble danced for the younger girls and our parents. I'm actually not in the back row this time!! Wow a miracle.

This was a modern dance used in competition in 2002. Not to brag or anything, but we got 1st place every time.

This picture is from my favorite dance ever. The song was "Come out and Play" and it was so fun to learn. Our costumes were super cute. We also competed with this song and, again, gold medal.

This was from the "Dance Masters of America" competition in Atlanta in 2002. These competitions were so fun. We usually got there on Friday to rehearse, Saturday morning we had dance seminars with "famous" choreographers and then Saturday night we had our competition. Sunday morning we had more seminars and then we were dismissed.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Twitter and an awkward celebrity encounter

I haven't updated until today because I am a little obsessed with Twitter. It is super fun! It's all current and in the moment and who doesn't love that? Plus, I'm following many of my favorite celebrity friends and it kind of feels like we're best friends. The only downside is that Twitter sort of ASKS for an oversharing of information, and, as you can tell by my website, I like to over share. Here is a link if you can't get enough of me:

So, last Wednesday, my favorite author ever was in Birmingham. Since none of my friends wanted to spend Cinco de Mayo at a book discussion, my mom offered to go with me. Plus, she really likes the author, too. On the way to Birmingham, I'm mentally preparing for what I'm going to say when I meet J. Lancaster. For some reason, I get all kinds of fan-girl crazy whenever I meet someone even remotely famous, and the small voice of reason (the one that tells me not to say everything running through my head) quickly diminishes. It is really embarassing. For example, when I met Carrie Underwood in 2008, I blurted out that if I lived in Nashville, we'd totally be best friends and that I loved her jeans. She looked at me like I was an effing psycho, and I sort of see where she'd be weirded out.

Anyway, when we were in line, I had my game face on, and I was almost ready to talk to her. I had two different monologues I could have delivered to her, and at this point I still wasn't positive as to which direction this would take. All of a sudden, we were next in line, and I go up to her, books in hand, and I literally forget my name. I stand there like a total idiot, while my mom, all calm, cool and collected, talks to her like they are BFFs...

This is the picture of me and Jen. The reason it is black and white and awful is because I was so nervous I was raining sweat. My hair was flat, my makeup looked awful, and I was shinier than patent leather. Oh well, I still have meeting Lauren Conrad in my future.

Owen Wilson's brother sucks

If it weren't for the iPhone, I would totally break up with AT&T. They are SO out to get me...somehow my bill was triple what it was last month! I can't help it that I'm more popular in the spring and your stupid rollover minutes expire. Not only that, AT&T..your service? It ain't that great. I mean, like, how do I lose my signal three times on the way to Target? I'll bet the reason we haven't heard from Osama bin Laden has less to do with the fact that he's hiding and more to do with him using AT&T.

I'm listening to music from "Glee" right now. That show is so good. I mean, how do you NOT love a show where the lead character is named "Rachel"? Plus, it has opened my eyes (and ears) to music other than Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood. Who knew?
Speaking of music, this is a list of songs on a new playlist I made today:

  • "The House That Built Me" Miranda Lambert
  • "Imma Be" Black Eyed Peas
  • "Summer Gurls" Katy Perry
  • "Your Love Is My Drug" Ke$ha.. BTW, putting a currency sign in your name is kind of genius, except how in the world do you pronounce the dollar sign?
  • "Baby" and "Eenie Meanie" Justin Bieber
  • "Airplanes" B.O.B.
  • "Falling Slowly" The Frames... Crystal and Lee performed this last night. Amazing!