Thursday, August 13, 2009

What does a bag of oreos plus a box of tissues equal? A new post

Side note: This was written back in August but I am just now posting it because, let's face it.. I'm a slacker.

Considering I'm 25 and single I might not be the one you would expect to give relationship advice, but seeing as though I need to take my OWN advice, this post is acting as a self-help guide for myself, and maybe will help you when going through a rough break-up. The following is a step-by-step guide to get over your ex and get on with your life:

1. Breaking News: we make ourselves WAY too accessible. How, do you ask? I shall count the ways... We now have the following ways of scaring off a guy: e-mailing, texting, stalking, drive-bys, FB messaging, calling, coming on too strong, etc. Here's a tip to counteract these atrocities from happening: Fall off the face of the earth. Block his calls, don't drunk dial, don't get on Facebook. Be a mystery to him. Do NOT call him.

2. Delete anything from your history with him. Pictures, gifts, clothing, etc. How will you possibly move on when you have a constant reminder of him smacking you in your face everytime you get up out of bed to get more tissues?

3. Make an "over it" CD. What is an "over it" CD you ask? I will tell you. It is a CD that empowers you and maybe even makes you shed a tear over the loser who hurt you. I'm sure you're asking yourself what you should put on this CD, and lucky for you, I've made a few in the past and recommend the following:
  • "Picture to Burn" by Taylor Swift
  • "Walk On" by U2... Whitney played this for me when I got dumped once in college
  • "Cold as You" by Taylor Swift
  • "Since You've Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson
  • "Irreplaceable" by Beyonce
  • "If I were a Boy" by Beyonce
  • "Go your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac
  • "Heartless" by Kanye West
  • "You're Not Sorry" by Taylor Swift.. side note: she is so wise beyond her years.. just like me.
  • "Better as a Memory" by Kenny Chesney
  • "Take a Bow" by Rihanna
  • "Love Takes Time" by Mariah Carey
  • "99 Problems" by Jay-Z
  • "What Goes Around.." by Justin Timberlake
  • "Walk Away" and "Gone" by Kelly Clarkson
DISCLAIMER: Neither myself or this website will be held responsible for whatever emotions incur after listening to the songs listed above. Please have a bottle of anxiety medication OR 911 on hand after listening to some of these songs.

4. Give yourself time to heal.. a few days.. but then get out and get on with your life. Stay busy and keep your mind off of jerkface.

5. If necessary, go talk to a therapist. Your friends and family can only take so much sulking. Plus, getting to talk about yourself for an hour is always fun.

6. Be your own best friend. Seriously, who is cooler than yourself? Noone. At least, I think so. And who doesn't want to date a confident and hot girl?

7. Realize that you and your ex are NOT getting back together. Stalking, drive-bys, unnecessary texting will only push him further away.

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